Rules & Concepts
TaeKwonDo Center for Excellence is focused on helping build strong, resilent, and productive students, citizens, and leaders.  When establishing the school, Master Craig Metzger determined that it was important to let the core tenants and foundations of TaeKwonDo to the heavy lifting in helping teach this, but he also established three rules that we ask all students to learn and abide by.   

Assuming these rules are adhered to, we think there is nothing our students can't accomplish.

1. When adults are speaking, stop what you are doing, look them in the eye, and listen.   

2. Choose productive activities (No horseplay).

3. Bring will and leave can't. (I can do it, I can keep going, I will do it.)


 Focus- Concentrating all of your energy on the task at hand.  

Intensity- Trying your hardest, all of the time.   
Self-control- Being able to do something, but choosing not to.  

Integrity- Doing the right thing, all the time, even when no one is watching.  

Humility- Thinking of others, instead of yourself.  

Perseverance- Never ever, ever, ever giving up.

Patience- Waiting nicely.

Personal property- Something that belongs to someone.  

Personal space- A comfortable distance between people.       

Discipline- Doing what you need to do, even when you don’t feel like it.